Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Networking with European Missionaries For Greater Effectiveness

Have you ever been excited over a new product that dramatically changed your life or made it easier?  If not, imagine perhaps how life changed after the invention of indoor plumbing or electricity!  Troy remembers the early days of seeing joy on the faces of missionaries as they would discover an easier way of life after being introduced to his software tools.  Yet, even now 18 years later, he continues to come across organizations unaware of it, and has the privilege to introduce these missionaries to these life changing tools.  It really puts a smile on his face!

This happened in April as he was in Burbach, Germany for the 2018 Mission Partners Network Forum, in which 26 European missionary organizations from 23 countries were represented.  These dedicated leaders came ready to roll up their sleeves, solving problems like struggling finances and low staff morale. 

Troy’s software was a major highlight, mentioned throughout as a foundational and necessary tool for missionaries to be fully funded.  In addition to leading three workshops, Troy met nonstop with individuals to answer their questions on how they can implement his software in their organization.  He came home excited about helping these missionaries.

Pray for these missionaries who are working to implement these tools which will have a tremendous impact on their ministries.  Also, please continue to pray as Troy works on features and enhancements to his software.  A big focus right now is the new “Give Site” which will enable online giving for many small and mid-size organizations who currently are without adequate resources to implement this on their own.

Thank you for praying and giving to help make our ministry possible!