Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spiritual Multiplication in SE Asia

It was bittersweet to say goodbye a couple years ago to friends and co-workers, Bob and Lei, as they followed God’s call to return to the Philippines.  In Orlando, Lei was Tammy’s life coach, and had a special impact on her.  Hearing reports that spiritual multiplication had slowed down in South East Asia, Bob and Lei knew that God was calling them back to this part of the world.  Lei has a great passion for evangelism and discipleship, and she desired to help reignite this passion in the staff there.
Lei recently shared about an evangelism and discipleship training she helped lead.  In 43 years of sharing her faith, Lei had never seen God do what He did that week.  A total of 30 nationals attended the training, and as a result of going out to share their faith that week, 544 people prayed to receive Christ. What’s even more amazing is that many of those new believers were challenged to share Christ with their friends, and an additional 94 prayed to receive Christ! The diagram on the left shows one example of the spiritual multiplication that happened that week. Nora paired up with Lei, and two women accepted Christ into their life.  Those two then shared Christ with their friends who became believers, and then one of those women shared Christ with her friend who accepted Christ.
Bob’s role is similar to Troy’s.  He helps missionaries have more time for ministry.  He serves as the Area Finance Leader for South East Asia, and among other things, he helps the local ministries adopt and make the most of our software tools.

We are so happy to help missionaries like Bob and Lei with our software!  Lei recently shared with us how our software helps them to have more time and be more effective at what they do.  Lei said, “How did I survive as a missionary before this great tool?  I can hardly wait for our SE Asia staff to start using it!  Thanks so much for helping us to make all of this possible.  We appreciate your prayers and financial partnership!