Thursday, November 17, 2011

Helping Equip SIM Missionaries

Wouldn’t it be great if we could take the tools we’ve developed for helping missionaries, and help other missions agencies use it as well? Of course! It’s always so much fun for me to let you know when this happens. Last week I had a phone conference with one such organization as they were celebrating a successful rollout of our software: SIM (Serving in Mission -

My involvement with SIM started earlier this year when I participated in the Funding Your Ministry conference. I met Doug Christensen, their director of support development. He is responsible to see that all their missionaries are fully funded so that they can focus on what God has called them to do.

SIM has been promoting the use of our software for a few years, but their organization didn’t fully support the web-based connection for their missionaries to use our tool most effectively. They needed help customizing our web-based tool to better fit into their organization.

Since then, I’ve been working with SIM’s technical department on providing this web-based connection. Last week they had it ready in time for a training conference, and they trained the first 120 of their more than 600 missionaries on how to use it.

Bernie Bergen had this to say, “As SIM director of IT (Information Technology), it gives me a tool to recommend to our new missionary candidates that’s much better than just note cards and spreadsheets. Everyone is excited by the prospect of a REAL TOOL!”

We give God all the glory for using us to help this wonderful ministry be more equipped.