Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Investing in Nancy's Mission

I‘d like to introduce you to a friend God brought into my life recently. As a young woman just out of college, Nancy Wilson began work as a dolphin trainer for Six Flags. It was during that time that God began calling her to serve Him. Early on, she began a ministry to high school students with Student Venture, a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. After 25 years as Associate National Director of Student Venture, she now represents Campus Crusade as Global Ambassador as well as a spokesperson for Story Runners. God has given her an incredible speaking ministry, reaching multitudes with the gospel worldwide. She has authored four books including Chosen With a Mission and In Pursuit of the Ideal. Nancy is woman who has a zest for life and a passion for sharing her love for Jesus with everyone she meets, and I consider it a joy to call her my friend.

About two years ago, after hearing about my organizing ministry through a mutual friend, Nancy asked for my help with her office. As I began to come alongside of Nancy as well as other friends, I made a key decision. Rather than organizing their space for them, which would be very easy to do, I set out to teach and coach my co-laborers on how to make lasting changes. Instead of giving them a fish, so to speak, I wanted to teach them how to fish. My ultimate goal was to help them to increase their effectiveness in ministry. Doing this seemed like a task beyond my ability, and I knew God would have to accomplish this through me. Since the very beginning, this ministry has been a journey of faith, anticipating God’s power and strength along the way.

This past month I spent some time with my friend once again and was encouraged by the testimony of what God had done since the last time I had helped her with organization. It had been over a year since I had consulted Nancy, and the evidence of God at work was clear. Nancy’s words below describe it best.

“It has been such a gift for me to have Tammy as my very own expert organizer and consultant, as I have needed to learn the art of organization and simplification. As an author and speaker, who travels all the time, I have been overwhelmed with having so much to manage. Tammy has been willing to counsel me on how to let go of some of the past material and resources that may have encumbered me, which more than helped me to move forward! She has been a patient friend, coming alongside me, to teach me how to think strategically with my home and space. I feel I have a new perspective on how to streamline my life towards the mission He has called me to! I’m grateful for your investment in Tammy’s ministry, as she has graciously invested in mine….all for the furtherance of the Gospel in our generation!”

Thank you for partnering with us so that we can continue to help missionaries like Nancy to be more effective in reaching people for Jesus! It is a privilege to serve God with you.