Thursday, August 13, 2015

Tammy's Successful Open Heart Surgery!

I am thankful to God for how He’s carried me through many health challenges.  When I was a child, He brought me through cancer, and now as an adult, I praise him for bringing me through open heart surgery!  The surgery was successful, and I now have a mechanical heart valve.

Troy and I thank you for your prayers and support during this challenging and faith-stretching time.  We were reminded about how loved and cared we are by you, the body of Christ!

I went in for surgery on a Tuesday, and all the doctors were saying I’d be home by the following Sunday.  They were only off by about three weeks!  I ended up having some unforeseen complications with fluid and swelling which caused my stay to last longer than expected.  Thankfully that is all mostly in the past, and my recovery is really taking off.  I was recently given the “Okay” to drive, and I’m really enjoying having my freedom again!

After three weeks in the hospital, God brought a “divine appointment” and a great reminder as to who is in control, and one possible reason for my extended stay.  One of my nurses was a Filipino, and she was feeling called to return to the Philippines and do missions work.  We had a great connection, since Troy and I had been there for our ministry years ago.  She was greatly encouraged by our time together, and I think God spoke to her through our visit.

Troy’s ministry continues to press on and bring new opportunities each day.  Each part in the body of Christ has a special role, and Troy’s is very uniquely filling a much needed role as he comes alongside missionaries, churches and mission organizations with the gifts God has given him.

Please pray for Troy as he’s been doing double duty lately (running his ministry and helping me while I recover from surgery).   And please pray for my continued recovery.  Pray also that all of these trials would produce in us perseverance and greater maturity and faith, and that God would use all this to advance His kingdom.  To Him be the glory!
June 30
before heart surgery
July 13
after another procedure
July 28
shopping at Walmart!